Results for 'Rabbi Hugo Gryn'

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  1. Fund-raising, guilt and responsibility.Rabbi Hugo Gryn - 1999 - In Alan Montefiore & David Vines (eds.), Integrity in the Public and Private Domains. New York: Routledge.
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    Three Minutes of Hope: Hugo Gryn on The God Slot.Jacob Howland - 2013 - The European Legacy 18 (6):779-780.
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    Hugo Grotius, Via ad conciliandas controversias quae inter Hollandiae ministros de praedestinatione et annexis capitibus agitantur.Edwin Rabbie & Henk Nellen - 1993 - Grotiana 18 (1):3-40.
    The 7725 letters of Hugo Grotius's correspondence of the years 1594 to 1645 reflect the highlights and drawbacks of an eventful career. Some important gradual developments and abiding features in the letters will be pointed out. In this way Grotius's political and scholarly activities can be analysed from the perspective of the correspondence.
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    L'Eglise et l'Etat dans la pensée de Hugo Grotius.Edwin Rabbie - 1993 - Grotiana 16 (1):97-117.
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    Some Remarks concerning the Textual History of Hugo Grotius' De Satisfactione.Edwin Rabbie - 1986 - Grotiana 7 (1):99-111.
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    Ordinum Pietas Revisited.Edwin Rabbie - 2013 - Grotiana 34 (1):11-24.
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    Integrity in the Public and Private Domains.Alan Montefiore & David Vines (eds.) - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    _Integrity in the Private and Public Domains_ explores the issue of public and private integrity in politics, the media, health, science, fund-raising, the economy and the public sector. Over twenty essays by well-known figures such as Amelie Rorty, David Vines, the late Hugo Gryn, Alan Montefiore and Hilary Lawson present a compelling insight into debates over integrity today. A key chapter of the book concerns the highly publicised donation to Oxford University by Gert-Rudolf Flick, an issue which attracted (...)
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    Breve storia dell'etica.Sergio Cremaschi - 2012 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    The book reconstructs the history of Western ethics. The approach chosen focuses the endless dialectic of moral codes, or different kinds of ethos, moral doctrines that are preached in order to bring about a reform of existing ethos, and ethical theories that have taken shape in the context of controversies about the ethos and moral doctrines as means of justifying or reforming moral doctrines. Such dialectic is what is meant here by the phrase ‘moral traditions’, taken as a name for (...)
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  9. Neural systems supporting interoceptive awareness.Hugo D. Critchley, Stefan Wiens, Pia Rotshtein, Arne Öhman & Raymond J. Dolan - 2004 - Nature Neuroscience 7 (2):189-195.
  10. Cocceius and the Jewish Commentators.Adina M. Yoffie - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (3):393-398.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Cocceius and the Jewish CommentatorsAdina M. YoffieThe case of Johannes Cocceius defies the commonplace that Leiden University (and perhaps post-Reformation, confessionalized Europe in general) turned away from humanist scholarship in the first quarter of the seventeenth century. In 1650 Cocceius (1603-69), a Bremen-born Oriental philology professor at Franeker, joined the Leiden theological faculty and wrote a treatise, Protheoria de ratione interpretandi sive introductio in philologiam sacram (De ratione). He (...)
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    Between religion and reason.Ephraim Chamiel - 2020 - Boston: Academic Studies Press. Edited by Avi Kallenbach.
    The present book is a sequel to Ephraim Chamiel's two previous works The Middle Way and The Dual Truth-studies dedicated to the "middle" trend in modern Jewish thought, that is, those positions that sought to combine tradition and modernity, and offered a variety of approaches for contending with the tension between science and revelation and between reason and religion. The present book explores contemporary Jewish thinkers who have adopted one of these integrated approaches-namely the dialectical approach. Some of these thinkers (...)
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    Tradizioni morali. Greci, ebrei, cristiani, islamici.Sergio Cremaschi - 2015 - Roma, Italy: Edizioni di storia e letteratura.
    Ex interiore ipso exeas. Preface. This book reconstructs the history of a still open dialectics between several ethoi, that is, shared codes of unwritten rules, moral traditions, or self-aware attempts at reforming such codes, and ethical theories discussing the nature and justification of such codes and doctrines. Its main claim is that this history neither amounts to a triumphal march of reason dispelling the mist of myth and bigotry nor to some other one-way process heading to some pre-established goal, but (...)
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  13. Bioethics and secular humanism: the search for a common morality.Hugo Tristram Engelhardt - 1991 - Philadelphia: Trinity Press International.
    "A book from the Park Ridge Center for the Study of Health, Faith, and Ethics." Includes bibliographical references (p. [141]-195) and index.
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    The demand for pregnancy testing: The Aschheim–Zondek reaction, diagnostic versatility, and laboratory services in 1930s Britain.Jesse Olszynko-Gryn - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 47:233-247.
  15. On the law of war and peace.Hugo Grotius - unknown
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    Film lessons: early cinema for historians of science.Jesse Olszynko-Gryn - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Science 49 (2):279-286.
    Despite much excellent work over the years, the vast history of scientific filmmaking is still largely unknown. Historians of science have long been concerned with visual culture, communication and the public sphere on the one hand, and with expertise, knowledge production and experimental practice on the other. Scientists, we know, drew pictures, took photographs and made three-dimensional models. Rather like models, films could not be printed in journals until the digital era, and this limited their usefulness as evidence. But that (...)
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  17. On civil disobedience.Hugo A. Bedau - 1961 - Journal of Philosophy 58 (21):653-665.
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    Filming Fly Eggs: Time-Lapse Cinematography as an Intermedial Practice.Jesse Olszynko-Gryn - 2021 - Isis 112 (2):307-314.
    This essay investigates time-lapse cinematography as a hybrid, intermedial practice. To interrogate practices of authorship, publication, copying, storage, and especially distribution, it recovers the history of The Embryonic Development of Drosophila melanogaster, a film made by Eric Lucey at the University of Edinburgh in 1956. An unusually rich archive makes it possible to recover uses and reuses of time-lapse footage in research, teaching, and other forms of communication.
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  19. The Emergence of Human Consciousness: From Fetal to Neonatal Life.Hugo Lagercrantz & Jean-Pierre Changeux - 2009 - Pediatric Research 65 (3):255-60.
    A simple definition of consciousness is sensory awareness of the body, the self, and the world. The fetus may be aware of the body, for example by perceiving pain. It reacts to touch, smell, and sound, and shows facial expressions responding to exter- nal stimuli. However, these reactions are probably preprogrammed and have a subcortical nonconscious origin. Furthermore, the fetus is almost continuously asleep and unconscious partially due to endog- enous sedation. Conversely, the newborn infant can be awake, exhibit sensory (...)
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    (1 other version)Complementarity in quantum mechanics: A logical analysis.Hugo Bedau & Paul Oppenheim - 1961 - Synthese 13 (3):201 - 232.
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    ‘A machine for recreating life’: an introduction to reproduction on film.Jesse Olszynko-Gryn & Patrick Ellis - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Science 50 (3):383-409.
    Reproduction is one of the most persistently generative themes in the history of science and cinema. Cabbage fairies, clones and monstrous creations have fascinated filmmakers and audiences for more than a century. Today we have grown accustomed not only to the once controversial portrayals of sperm, eggs and embryos in biology and medicine, but also to the artificial wombs and dystopian futures of science fiction and fantasy. Yet, while scholars have examined key films and genres, especially in response to the (...)
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    Intuitive and reflective inferences.Hugo Mercier & Dan Sperber - 2009 - In Jonathan St B. T. Evans & Keith Frankish (eds.), In Two Minds: Dual Processes and Beyond. Oxford University Press. pp. 149--170.
    Much evidence has accumulated in favor of such a dual view of reasoning. There is however some vagueness in the way the two systems are characterized. Instead of a principled distinction, we are presented with a bundle of contrasting features - slow/fast, automatic/controlled, explicit/implicit, associationist/rule based, modular/central - that, depending on the specific dual process theory, are attributed more or less exclusively to one of the two systems. As Evans states in a recent review, “it would then be helpful to (...)
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  23. Retribution and the theory of punishment.Hugo Adam Bedau - 1978 - Journal of Philosophy 75 (11):601-620.
    This paper examines hart's model (1967) of the retributive theory. section i criticizes the model for not answering all the main questions to which a theory of punishment should be addressed, as hart alleges it does. section ii criticizes the model for its omission of the concept of desert. section iii criticizes attempts by card (1973) and by von hirsch (1976) to provide new ways of proportioning punitive severity to criminal injury. section iv discusses the idea of retribution in justifying (...)
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    Five pathways into one profession: Fifty years of debate on differentiated nursing practice.Hugo Schalkwijk, Martijn Felder, Pieterbas Lalleman, Manon S. Parry, Lisette Schoonhoven & Iris Wallenburg - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (3):e12631.
    The persistence of multiple educational pathways into the nursing profession continues to occupy scholars internationally. In the Netherlands, various groups within the Dutch healthcare sector have tried to differentiate nursing practice on the basis of educational backgrounds for over 50 years. Proponents argue that such reforms are needed to retain bachelor‐trained nurses, improve quality of care and strengthen nurses' position in the sector. Opponents have actively resisted reforms because they would mainly benefit bachelor‐trained nurses and neglect practical experience and technical (...)
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    Das philosophische Werk Bernard Bolzanos...: nebst einem Anhange: Bolzanos Beiträge zur philosophischen Grundlegung der Mathematik.Hugo Bergmann - 1909
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    The basis for the unity of experience in the thought of Friedrich Hölderlin.Hugo E. Herrera - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (4):606-623.
    Friedrich Hölderlin argued that consciousness requires division and unity. Consciousness emerges through the fundamental distancing of the subject from its surroundings, without which the subject-object distinction would collapse and both objectivity and consciousness would be lost. Nevertheless, insofar as conscious knowledge is unitary, division demands a ground for unity. Hölderlin calls this ground ‘Being [Seyn].’ However, once Being is affirmed, the question of how it is accessed arises. Hölderlin’s scholars disagreed on this issue. This disagreement gave rise to two camps: (...)
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    Naturaleza y ficción en la imitación artística: consideraciones desde Aristóteles.Hugo Costarelli Brandi & Mariano Fagés - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (4):135-158.
    This article addresses the topic of artistic mímēsis, and attempts to illuminate the contemporary discussion between two seemingly irreconcilable positions. The first, framed in a traditional interpretation of Aristotelian texts, considers the work of art as an imitation of nature, finding in it its only rule. The second, supported by a different interpretation, states that, according to Aristotle himself, artistic creativity is fictional, that is, independent of natural reality, and therefore debtor only of the artist’s subjectivity. However, when considering the (...)
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    A Principlist Justification of Physical Restraint in the Emergency Department.Hugo Hall & David G. Smithard - 2021 - The New Bioethics 27 (2):176-184.
    The ethics of physical restraint in the Emergency Department has always been an emotive and controversial issue. Recently a vanguard of advocacy groups and regulatory agencies have...
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  29. Der Kampf um das Kausalgesetz in der jüngsten Physik.Hugo Bergmann - 1930 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 37 (2):7-8.
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    Thin blue lines: product placement and the drama of pregnancy testing in British cinema and television.Jesse Olszynko-Gryn - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Science 50 (3):495-520.
    This article uses the case of pregnancy testing in Britain to investigate the process whereby new and often controversial reproductive technologies are made visible and normalized in mainstream entertainment media. It shows how in the 1980s and 1990s the then nascent product placement industry was instrumental in embedding pregnancy testing in British cinema and television's dramatic productions. In this period, the pregnancy-test close-up became a conventional trope and the thin blue lines associated with Unilever's Clearblue rose to prominence in mainstream (...)
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    Making mortal choices: three exercises in moral casuistry.Hugo Adam Bedau - 1997 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In this provocative study, Bedau demonstrates the usefulness of "casuistry," or "the method of cases" in arriving at moral decisions. He examines well-known cases, including the aftermath of the sinking of the William Brown in 1841, that compel us to consider questions about who ought to survive when not all can. By doing so, we learn something about how we actually reason concerning such life and death situations, as well as about how we ought to reason if we wish both (...)
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  32. The minimal invasion argument against the death penalty.Hugo Adam Bedau - 2002 - Criminal Justice Ethics 21 (2):3-8.
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  33. Der Zusammenbruch der Wissenschaft und der Primat der Philosophie.Hugo Dingler - 1926 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 5 (9):276-276.
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    Social justice and social institutions.Hugo Adam Bedau - 1978 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 3 (1):159-175.
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    Does the Coronavirus Epidemic Take Advantage of Human Optimism Bias?Hugo Bottemanne, Orphée Morlaàs, Philippe Fossati & Liane Schmidt - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  36. Civil Disobedience and Personal Responsibility for Injustice.Hugo Adam Bedau - 1970 - The Monist 54 (4):517-535.
    Recent discussions of civil disobedience show the world of scholarship and public affairs in disarray. Not only is there considerable disagreement over how civil disobedience is to be justified, there is hardly less disagreement over what civil disobedience is. Can it be violent, or must it be nonviolent, in intention and in outcome? Can civil disorder be a special case of mass civil disobedience? Must civil disobedience proceed within the framework of the existing politico-legal system or may it be revolutionary (...)
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    Humanitarian Diplomacy: The ICRC's Neutral and Impartial Advocacy in Armed Conflicts.Hugo Slim - 2019 - Ethics and International Affairs 33 (1):67-77.
    As part of a roundtable on “Balancing Legal Norms, Moral Values, and National Interests,” this essay describes the humanitarian diplomacy of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) by comparing it conceptually with other forms of advocacy and illustrating it with the ICRC's recent experience in the Yemen crisis. Humanitarian diplomacy is examined as one particular way of balancing legal norms, moral values, and national interests in the pursuit of greater respect for international humanitarian law (IHL) and principled humanitarian (...)
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  38. (1 other version)The Intelligible Universe: A Cosmological Argument.Hugo A. Meynell - 1982 - Philosophy 58 (223):129-130.
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    O Problema dos Pensadores Artificiais: Um Debate Metafísico.Hugo Luzio - 2024 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 79 (4):1777-1802.
    The possibility of artificial intelligence is usually discussed by philosophers as a problem about artificial thought: can an artificial system think? The production of intelligence in an artificial system would, however, give rise to an intelligent artificial being: an artificial thinker. As such, there is another, less explored way of discussing the possibility of artificial intelligence: can there be an artificial thinker? This is the problem of artificial thinkers (Olson 2018). In this essay, I discuss this problem. To do so, (...)
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    The argument from undecidable dissension.Hugo Enrique Sánchez López - 2024 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 28 (1):109-115.
    The five modes of suspension of judgment outlined by Sextus Empiricus (HP XV 164-188) coordinate a complex argumentative strategy to prompt the general suspension of judgment. But modes (τρόπος) are general argument forms that can be deployed individually against the dogmatist, who is willing to accept that a certain answer to a question establishes how things really are. In this case, the aim of the modes is not the general suspension of judgment but the continuation of the investigation. I present (...)
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    Comment: What Does Left–Right Autonomic Asymmetry Signify?Hugo D. Critchley & Yoko Nagai - 2016 - Emotion Review 8 (1):76-77.
    The situation-dependent lateralization of sympathetic electrodermal arousal during real-life stress (Picard, Fedor, & Ayzenberg, 2016) may challenge a unitary notion of arousal, and call into question the practice of unilateral electrodermal recording, but there are broader implications. Here we consider a potential relationship between stress-induced lateralized shifts in electrodermal activity, and a theory concerning lateralized emotion-induced cardiac arrhythmia.
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    The intelligible universe: a cosmological argument.Hugo Anthony Meynell - 1982 - Totowa, N.J.: Barnes & Noble.
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    Urgrund and access to the Urgrund in Karoline von Günderrode’s discussion with the thought of Friedrich Schleiermacher.Hugo E. Herrera - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (2):378-393.
    Friedrich Schleiermacher is among the philosophers who influenced Karoline von Günderrode's thought. Although this influence is relevant, it has received little attention. Both authors agree on distinguishing “spirit” and “body” or “the inner and the outer” in similar terms. However, there was a significant difference between them. In Schleiermacher's works that Günderrode considered (On Religion and Soliloquies), he conceives of the relationship as one in which the world or outer depends on the spirit or inner. For Günderrode, this relationship is (...)
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  44. The Right to Life.Hugo Bedau - 1968 - The Monist 52 (4):550-572.
    1. Of all the great natural or human rights, none has been so neglected by scholars and theorists as the right to life. Today, the salient fact about this right is the considerable disagreement over its scope, form and status. Everyone has noticed the general inflationary effect of talk about ‘human’ rights in our time, in contrast to the tidy list of ‘natural’ rights drawn up by Locke and others. Nowhere is this ballooning more noticeable than in the right to (...)
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    Bioethics Reconsidered: Theory and Method in a Post-Christian, Post-Modern Age.Hugo Tristram Engelhardt - 1996 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 6 (4):336-341.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Bioethics Reconsidered: Theory and Method in a Post-Christian, Post-Modern AgeH. Tristram Engelhardt Jr. (bio)A candid assessment of the moral significance of our post-Christian, post-modern era calls for a reconsideration of the very project of bioethics. For many bioethicists, concerns for theory and method are secondary. 1 These scholars presuppose a common morality and a reasonable, overlapping consensus regarding [End Page 336] an appropriate polity. They assume as well that (...)
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  46. Modulation of right motor cortex excitability without awareness following presentation of masked self-images.Hugo Théoret, Masahito Kobayashi, Lotfi Merabet, Tim Wagner, Jose M. Tormos & Alvaro Pascual-Leone - 2004 - Cognitive Brain Research 20 (1):54-57.
  47. Summer meeting of the association for symbolic logic.Hugo Ribeiro - 1959 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 24 (3):281-286.
  48.  19
    Maquiavelo sobre Éxodo 32: Moisés y el combate de la envidia.Hugo Tavera Villegas - 2023 - Ideas Y Valores 72 (181).
    En un libro reciente, Maurizio Viroli sostiene que en El Príncipe Maquiavelo delinea la imagen del fundador que la teoría política republicana necesita, la que recibe su encarnación paradigmática en Moisés y sus acciones. Aquí propongo que para una comprensión adecuada del Moisés de Maquiavelo resulta clave la interpretación que éste ofrece del incidente del becerro de oro (Discursos III, 30), al que interpreta como una revuelta contra Moisés motivada por la envidia. Este episodio, sugiero, ejemplifica las acciones necesarias para (...)
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    Ethics review of artistic research: challenging the boundaries and appealing for care.Hugo Boothby - 2024 - Research Ethics 20 (1):112-127.
    In 2019, a new national Ethics Review Authority (Etikprövningsmyndigheten, EPM) was created in Sweden. In 2020, Sweden’s Ethical Review of Research Involving Humans Act was revised, tightening this legislation, and increasing penalties for its infraction. This article draws on empirical material generated by artistic research conducted with a norm-critical contemporary music ensemble. Two of the musicians who collaborated with this research identify as disabled. Consequently, in accordance with EPM, my artistic research was subject to mandatory ethics review. Reflecting critically on (...)
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  50. The Liberal Theory of Justice: A Critical Examination of the Principal Doctrines in a Theory of Justice by John Rawls. [REVIEW]Hugo Adam Bedau - 1975 - Philosophical Review 84 (4):598-603.
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